Huttball Trailer

Szturmowiec vs. Inkwizytor Sithów

Rycerz Jedi vs. Łowca Nagrów

Oznaki Wojny

Jedi Consular Class

Cechy gry

Łowca Nagród

Inkwizytor Sithów

Krypta Wieczności

E3 2011 Cinematic Intro

Timeline Trailer 12: The Great Hyperspace War


Developer Dispatch: The Republic Trooper

Timeline Trailer 11: Rebirth of the Sith Empire

Timeline Trailer 10: The Exar Kun War

Diverse Worlds

Umiejętności Drużyny

Rycerz Jedi

Wojownik Sithów

Imperialny Agent


Coruscant Revealed

Timeline Trailer 9: The Mandalorian Wars

Music of The Old Republic

Timeline Trailer 5: The Battle of Bothawui

Timeline Trailer 6: Onslaught of the Sith Empire

Timeline Trailer 7: Peace for the Republic

Timeline Trailer 8: The Jedi Civil War

E3 Multiplayer Demo Trailer

Hope of Alderaan Trailer

GC 2009: Walkthrough Part 2

Timeline Trailer 4: The Empire Changes Strategy

Timeline Trailer 3: The Return of the Mandalorians

Timeline Trailer 2: The Mandalorian Blocade is Broken

GC 2009: Walkthrough Part 1

Timeline Trailer 1: The Treaty of Coruscant

Video Documentary #2

Video Documentary #1

Video Documentary #3

E3 09: Jedi vs Sith Cinematic

The Making of Tython