Zestaw CODI/Daggerdale Swamp Tileset
Dodano: 18 czerwca 2005 · Pobrań: 733 · Rozmiar: 4.16 MBWelcome again for the *I know, I know... I've been busy lately* release of my small swamp addon. Thanks again for being patient. On this release you'll find a bunch of bugs corrected over the last one. Majority of shadow casting bugs were corrected. As well as the naming issue (look for it as Daggerdale Swamp). Pathing Issues have been reduced to the minimal though there exist yet, mainly in the bridges sections. Also the bugs on the bridge doors have been fixed.
Zestaw Deeper Dungeons DOA City/Rural Builder Base XP1 - Ships
Dodano: 18 czerwca 2005 · Pobrań: 760 · Rozmiar: 679.73 KBThis hak is an addon for DOA City/Rural Builder Base. To use this hak as-is, you need to have installed the Builder Base AND the LOK XP1 and LOK XP2. If you do not use LOK XP1 or XP2, check the nwvault.ign.com (where you got this file) for additional set/itp files (coming soon) which will allow use of this hak without the LOK addons. DOA was kind enough to provide me with his work in progress on caravels, which will be incorporated in the builder base in a later builder base release. Because of his willingness to do this, caravel-related tiles placed with this set will NOT need to be re-placed when the new builder base comes out. Way cool.
Zestaw Elven City Tileset
Dodano: 18 czerwca 2005 · Pobrań: 749 · Rozmiar: 4.17 MBThe tileset uses the HoTU Underdark Tileset as a base. Most features work exactly like their original counterparts in the Underdark set. Read below for directions about the BETA platform feature & some known issues. Otherwise, many thanks to Bioware for a great game, and to the wise custom content creators out there who answered some of our questions! ENJOY!
Zestaw Hills and Halfling Homes Rural Tileset Addon
Dodano: 18 czerwca 2005 · Pobrań: 769 · Rozmiar: 166.98 KBThis tileset addon places hills and halfling homes into the existing rural tileset. To use this addon, include the hak in your module, and then use the existing rural tileset. hills have been added as a new type of crosser. When you place a height change(raise/lower) cliffs will be used. Once you have the cliffs where you eventually want hills. you change to the Hills crosser terrain. Place the Hills Crosser across the cliffs to change the into hills. Hill windows and doors have been added into the feature list.
Zestaw LOK Expansion One for the 2.1 Builder Base
Dodano: 18 czerwca 2005 · Pobrań: 848 · Rozmiar: 497.5 KBThe tiles for this set were pulled from Na's DC_Village tileset. The cliffs and pit tiles are reskins of the OC cliffs and pit tiles from the Forest tileset by Bw. The marsh tiles originally came from the mini river hak by zdaddy and were modified by Na'. The original purpose of this work was for my personal campaign hak set for building rural areas but interest seemed to be enough that I've released it as an Expansion to DoA's tileset. Bug reports with those 3+1 terrain features above should be reported to bugs@landsofkray.com. Bugs with other features of the DoA set should be reported to Den of Assassins.
Zestaw LOK Expansion Two for the 2.1 Builder Base
Dodano: 18 czerwca 2005 · Pobrań: 845 · Rozmiar: 748.39 KBThis hak should be set to be a higher priority above the Builder Base by DoA. It is compatible only with the 2.1 release and future releases will require this set to be updated with any new entries that Den makes of course. This set is designed to be used in conjunction with the LOK XP1 for the BB. If you elect to use it alone then be aware that three new terrains will appear in the pallette. These are Cliff (Terrain), Marsh, Pit. These will NOT work and trying to place them will leave gaping holes in your module. I don't recommend you save your module after you've done this.
Zestaw Oriental Rural Tileset
Dodano: 18 czerwca 2005 · Pobrań: 728 · Rozmiar: 1.27 MBThis hak adds new features terrains and groups of an oriental theme to the Rural tileset. Included are 8 new terrains, 3 groups, 23 features and 107 new placables. I've also included Hills by Thallion Stelliani (thanks thall), and lucifer churches extended waterfalls. Everything has been prefixed with "Ori_" so they are easy to find in the terrain pallette. Below are Directions on adding the hakpak, Tips to using the terrains, a couple of notes on the placables, known issues, credits and version history. Thanks very much for downloading and I hope you have fun!
Zestaw The Cave Ruins Tileset
Dodano: 18 czerwca 2005 · Pobrań: 715 · Rozmiar: 1.5 MB This tileset incorporates ceilings to the cave/mines tileset from Bioware and is released in three componants.
1>A unique hak, for builders who wish to add the ceilings to new mods.
2>An overwriting hak that will replace the bioware mines/caves tileset
3>A group of files for use in the end users override directory that will override the bioware tiles on the client side, for those that wish to see the ceilings in already finished mods or in the original SP campaign.
I would like to thank the following people for their assistance in the preparation of this tileset, without their assistance it probably wouldnt have happened.
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