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Dodano: 12 kwietnia 2005 · Pobrań: 1196 · Rozmiar: 541.18 KB · Autor: Yariv

Zaktualizowany model Balroga, na podstawie książek Tolkiena. Abydodać go do modułu należy skojarzyć z danym modułem załączony Hak Pak, a następnie umieścić w grze Balora, któremu należy zmienić wygląd i portret na Balroga.


Dodano: 12 kwietnia 2005 · Pobrań: 857 · Rozmiar: 838.92 KB

Few devils inspire more fear in those that oppose them than the Cornugon. Covered in hideous scales, they teleport into battle, never retreating, and attack the most powerful opponents they can with their spells and their barbed tails that cause wounds that bleed continuously. The Hak 2da's are for v1.61 with SOU+HOTU – If you don't have SOU+HOTU installed there will be a bunch of new but blank creature appearances/portraits you cannot use, but other than that there is no impediment. The model in this Hakpak was modelled on the Cornugon from the 3.5 Ed. Monster Manual. It is based on my 2nd Ed. Cornugon Hak, which was in turn based on my Pit Fiend Hak, which was in turn based on the Balor. The Bite attack has been dropped in favour of the Tail attack, so Infernal Wound fans can make their players beg for clerics :-) Included are two .erf files (SOU+HOTU only) with as close to the correct 3eMM stats as I could get. The Cornugon is v3, the Greater Cornugon is really the v3.5 Cornugon.


Dodano: 12 kwietnia 2005 · Pobrań: 933 · Rozmiar: 650.92 KB

The Pit Fiend was added to Neverwinter Nights in version 1.30. My version was made beforehand, and it is presented here as an alternative model. Reasons for using it over the official one are: Mine has big wings, a tail, four fingers on each hand and looks like the one from the Monster Manual. Reasons for sticking with the original: Better texture, properly membraned wings and no messing with Hak Paks. The Hak 2da's are for v1.30 with SOU – If you don't have SOU installed there will be a bunch of new but blank creature appearances/portraits you cannot use, but other than that there is no impediment. The model in this Hakpak was based heavily on the 3e Monster Manual, and is a retextured Balor with a severe headswap, a new tail, modified wings, and little tweaks elsewhere to make it a bit more 'Spiky'. Included is a demo that gives you the chance to set a Pit Fiend on a Balor. There is no longer a .erf file included because what would be the point :-)


Dodano: 12 kwietnia 2005 · Pobrań: 842 · Rozmiar: 132.15 KB

PIT FIEND WITH TAIL HAKPAK (Modification of Bioware's Pit Fiend) v1.0 by Magma The Pit Fiend was added to Neverwinter Nights in version 1.30 by Bioware. Unfortunately it was missing a tail and had small wings. This model I present here is merged with my own Pit Fiend model and has these features added. You do not need my own Pit Fiend model to use this Hak, as it just contains the new model and uses Bioware's own textures. Version History: v1.0: Pit Fiend model merged with my own Pit Fiend model


Dodano: 12 kwietnia 2005 · Pobrań: 899 · Rozmiar: 199.49 KB · Autor: Overdroid

Jest to finałowa wersja modelu Dracolicha. Załączony plik objaśnia dwie metody użycia: zastąpienie modelu pingwina, lub dodanie do listy modeli (czyli żaden inny model nie zostanie zastąpiony).


Dodano: 14 kwietnia 2005 · Pobrań: 843 · Rozmiar: 534.36 KB

Possibly the most unlikely of devils is the Erinyes. Either in their disguised or natural, winged forms they are uncommonly beautiful to mortals. This belies their true purpose: To seduce mortals into inflicting regimes of unspeakable cruelty on others, thereby condemning their souls to the tortured depths of the Nine Hells. I have redone my original Erinyes model to match the illustration in the 3.5e Monster Manual, using the Nymph model. Wing nodes were patched into the model from the Succubus, and it is set to use the Succubus animations. The Hak 2da's are for v1.61 with SOU+HOTU – If you don't have SOU+HOTU installed there will be a bunch of new but blank creature appearances/portraits you cannot use, but other than that there is no impediment. Included are two .erf files with as close to the correct 3eMM stats as I could get. The Greater Erinyes is actually the 3.5e Erinyes. They will appear as custom monsters, not replace Bioware's official Erinyes implementation.

Flying Books

Dodano: 14 kwietnia 2005 · Pobrań: 796 · Rozmiar: 75.89 KB

This tiny little pack adds a new monster model (Or to be precise, 3 new models) in the form of a flying book. These models are pretty handy and can be used for all sorts of things, everything from poltergeist manifestion, to enchanted books in a magical library. In a module you could pit your adventurer pals to capture a book trying to escape them, or perhaps have a book jump out their ivnentory and fly off. The possibilities are endless... or at least very extensive. If you're strapped for ideas I've included a demonstration module with lots of different ways to apply the models.


Dodano: 14 kwietnia 2005 · Pobrań: 794 · Rozmiar: 645.51 KB

To use place CODI-Gelugon.hak in hak folder and import the erf file into any module using this hak.


Dodano: 14 kwietnia 2005 · Pobrań: 817 · Rozmiar: 573.59 KB

CODI Glabrezu by Schazzwozzer of THE CITY OF DOORS INITIATIVE Packaged by Papermonk The mighty Glabrezu! Dog-headed Tanar'ri Tempter or Good Pet for the kids! You decide!


Dodano: 14 kwietnia 2005 · Pobrań: 804 · Rozmiar: 566.06 KB

The Hamatula, or Barbed Devil, is a humanoid creature covered in sharp barbs and spines. They constantly seem on edge, eyes darting around nervously. Because of their expertise (and enjoyment) in impaling opponents on their natural weaponry, they are often employed as protectors of important people, and of locations such as vaults and tombs. Of course, as with all devils it is always best to examine the contract of employment very carefully. The model in this Hakpak was based on the new v3.5 Monster Manual illustration, modelled from the Troll model. The Hak 2da's are for v1.61 with SOU+HOTU – If you don't have SOU+HOTU installed there will be a bunch of new but blank creature appearances/portraits you cannot use, but other than that there is no impediment. The demo module and ERFs are SOU+HOTU only. Included are two .erf file with as close to the correct 3eMM stats as I could get. The Hamatula is v3, the Greater Hamatula is really the v3.5 Hamatula. The 'Barbed Defence.txt' file contains the OnPhysicalAttacked script for the Greater (v3.5) Hamatula.


Dodano: 14 kwietnia 2005 · Pobrań: 834 · Rozmiar: 931.76 KB

v1.1 Manticore Model, Texture, And Portrait by TheBatinTheHat Scripting by Shkuey


Dodano: 14 kwietnia 2005 · Pobrań: 804 · Rozmiar: 1.41 MB

Also known as Fungus Men, Myconids have been a part of D&D since First Edition. They are denizens of the Underdark, living in caverns deep underneath the earth. Unlike most of the sentient lifeforms that exist in the Underdark however, the myconids are a peaceful people that despise violence and ultimately only desire to exist undisturbed, and in peace. Myconid colonies are split up into "circles". Each circle consists of 20 members and it is with these circles that a myconid works and melds (a ritual in which the fungus men join into a collective telepathic conciousness). Within a colony there is one King Myconid. The king is always the largest and eldest Myconid and is the only one not part of a circle. He is excluded from melding and therefore is pitied by his peers. The king assumes the role of leader and protector of the colony. He is also the only one able to practice a form of fungal alchemy, in which he is able to produce special potions, as well as animate dead creatures as guardians, so that the Myconids need not commit violence themselves. Relations between humanoids and myconids are strained. Myconids see humanoids as warlike creatures with no desire but to create conflict, while humanoids generally see the fungus men as disgusting beasts. As such, myconids will be very apprehensive towards any adventurers or otherwise they might meet. If approached in peace however, there is the possibility they will attempt communication. Myconids are never found outside their communities, except for small patrol groups, which search the Underdark for unburied dead, which the King then animates.

New Troll

Dodano: 14 kwietnia 2005 · Pobrań: 827 · Rozmiar: 409.31 KB


Oster the Treant

Dodano: 14 kwietnia 2005 · Pobrań: 787 · Rozmiar: 1.68 MB

The work here is all subject to copyright of the respective authors. This content may be redistributed for non-profit use for NWN modules and hakpaks but should keep this readme with the files. Any profit or other game use is prohibited except via express written permission of the authors.


Dodano: 14 kwietnia 2005 · Pobrań: 763 · Rozmiar: 779.42 KB


Rust Monster

Dodano: 14 kwietnia 2005 · Pobrań: 795 · Rozmiar: 580.14 KB

Update on the fabulous work by Lordemil and September. Improved rust mechanic, sense metal, chance to destroy weapons when attacked, eats trash, corrected hide/skin.


Dodano: 14 kwietnia 2005 · Pobrań: 818 · Rozmiar: 94.11 KB

This monster pack adds the humble critter, the Stirge to your module. Contrary to Bioware's cheapskating in the toolset the Stirge is not a Raven-like creature, it is closer to an insect than a bird. The Stirge is a rather nasty little fellow, usually found hanging around more deserted parts of the wilderness where there is a ready supply of cover from the elements, in particular wooded areas, they almost always attack as a swarm, diving in on two pairs of bat-like leathery wings and stabbing their victim with their mosquito-like probiscus, and will drain their victims blood – to the point of them running dry if they're unlucky.


Dodano: 14 kwietnia 2005 · Pobrań: 862 · Rozmiar: 2.46 MB

There are 20 Models consisting of 4 Breeds and 5 Sizes for each Breed. All 20 .erf files are included and are based on 3rd edition stats. I must say that I would make the Large and Huge Vipers a bit tougher. As it stands now the entire hak is for 1-4 lvl characters. As it stands now, I am currently stepping away from modeling for a bit to sell my house and actually play the game for a bit. Modeling takes a lot of work I have learned. I used capsules to create the body. I cut the ends off of the capsules to get rid of excess polys. I then scaled them to give the body its' shape. The head was created using a side view of a diamond back rattlesnake and splines. This was the hardest part of the modeling. It took me a week and a half to do it. (cause I'm learning as I go) For those of you that want to do your own snake animations, I will release a chart on how to sequence your snake body parts in order to get a fluent movement. Look for it on the vault soon. Enjoy.......... I'm sure I'll get more ideas for these and incorporate them into V2.0. But feel free to modify them or make them better. Maleioch.

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