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Always Sommerdays

Dodano: 4 kwietnia 2005 · Pobrań: 886 · Rozmiar: 1.54 MB

You need a level 1 character – ideally a male combat-oriented (fighter, paladin, ranger)
You don't remember who you are... You don't even remember where you are from But one thing you do know Something is in your head something...evil Welcome to AlwaysSummer Days – a weird fantasy story. AlwaysSummer Days is the most popular module from Germany so far, now translated so that it can also be enjoyed by english-speaking players. It's a mixture of comedy, adventure and role-playing. The module is a little short at about 5 hours and has a rather abrupt end. This is because of a deadline set by the German magazine Gamestar. But part two is currently in the making – so the story will continue (also in english). The module has cutscenes and a few other innovative features. Also there are a few original characters. We hope you like them.

Amulet of Zeran

Dodano: 4 kwietnia 2005 · Pobrań: 912 · Rozmiar: 1.52 MB

Amulet of Zeran v2 Amulet of Zeran starts you off in a small merchant town of Ireran, which happens to be on top of one of the most famous and valuable treasures in the known realm: The Amulet of Zeran. After the amulet was discovered by a wizard named Eron, adventurers all over the realm seeked the possession of this grand prize, for it is believed to be the test from the Deities and Demons that watch over our realm. Many challenges, tricks, traps, and odd creatures await down below for any foolish party that dare enters its 20 level domain. Do you dare challenge the Amulet of Zeran?

Ankh Morpork of Discworld

Dodano: 4 kwietnia 2005 · Pobrań: 976 · Rozmiar: 952.19 KB

A’Tuin, wielki Gwiezdny Żółw, nosi na grzbiecie Świat Dysku, w swej kosmicznej podróży poprzez bezgraniczny Wszechświat. To jedyne stworzenie we Wszechświecie, które wie dokładnie dokąd idzie. Na jego grzbiecie stoją Berilia, Tubul, Wielki T’Phon oraz Jerakeen, cztery gigantyczne słonie, na barkach których spoczywa Dysk świata. Witam w mojej bladej interpretacji Świata Dysku angielskiego autora Terry’ego Pratchetta. Miasto Ankh-Morpork zawiera Pałac Patrycjusza, Niewidoczny Uniwersytet, oraz wiele innych lokacji. Zaczynasz wewnątrz Domu Straży (swego rodzaju komisariatu policji) w dzielnicy Cieni Ankh-Morpork. Moduł zawiera 54 zadania, sięgających od śmiesznych do ekstremalnie trudnych.

Black Jack Inn

Dodano: 4 kwietnia 2005 · Pobrań: 743 · Rozmiar: 108.75 KB

This is a simple Inn – unoccupied except for a Blackjack dealer. Speak with him to start a game of blackjack with from one to four PCs. After the initial settings are specified in conversation with the Dealer, all further game commands are done through the chat interface.


Dodano: 4 kwietnia 2005 · Pobrań: 790 · Rozmiar: 443.61 KB

This module was created based on my remeberence of the Ultima Online version of Britannia. It is a beta version and does not contain the whole Ultima Online world, It actually ranges from Shame Dungeon to the Hedge Maze, including the City of Britain and the Sewers entrance to the Lost Lands. Also included is the Cemetary above Britain. Also included is the forrest town of Yew. It was designed to be a persistant world, and features respawning monsters and respawning chests. Hunting area's range over many different levels of difficulty, so it's usable for a large range of characters from level 1 up. PvP settings should be set to full – town area's and newbie area's are already set appropriately. Item dropping on death is enabled.


Dodano: 4 kwietnia 2005 · Pobrań: 774 · Rozmiar: 127.6 KB · Autor: Rob Bartel

Recommended Level: – Any Recommended Number of Players: – 2+ Description: "Catapults!" is a game of real-time competitive ballistic targeting where your objective is to destroy your opponents' catapults before they can destroy yours. Various power-ups and victory conditions are available and can be adjusted through an in-game voting system.


Dodano: 4 kwietnia 2005 · Pobrań: 773 · Rozmiar: 106.82 KB

Prepare to engage in a combat pitting 2 savage foes against each other! Do you have what it takes to lead your fearsome feathered friends to victory, or will they meet a fowl end? Prepare to fight CHICKENS vs. PENGUINS!!! Version: 1.2 1.1 changes – Script fix for a rare timing issue where the game couldn't be started. 1.2 changes – Script fix for 2 cases in the 'has legal moves' check that were incorrect. By: Derrick Collins

Clucking Hostile

Dodano: 4 kwietnia 2005 · Pobrań: 776 · Rozmiar: 143.5 KB

Sucking up most of the central Penultiman plains is Johnson's Farms, one of the only corporate owned mass-production agricultural facilities in the forgotten realms. Daily living is routine; walk the dog, milk the cow, feed the chickens. Only now, the poultry want a little more than seed to feast upon... Swarms of enemies await you in the depths beneath Johnson's farm. Lots of combat here, dungeon exploration style, with a premise that stretches credibility to its breaking point! Whee! Module 4 of 5 in the Penultima Campaign.

CoC Map Sampler

Dodano: 4 kwietnia 2005 · Pobrań: 757 · Rozmiar: 582.72 KB

Available Maps: – Victorian London by Rob Bartel (BioWare Live Team) – The Great Rift by Rob Bartel (BioWare Live Team) v0.492 – Fixed issues with flags not appearing in Purple HQ – Fixed bugs with multiple team selections – Added polling code to remove players from the active battlemap – Added like/dislike setup for joining the active battlemap v0.491 – Fixed issues with item cost scaling – A few dialog tweaks – Fixed rewards system. – Fixed issue with team switching – Fixed issue with changing number of teams to 2 Contest of Champions is an arena where you can pit your favorite character against your friends... or your enemies. Characters who enter will be divided into teams to fight to the death. WARNING: All plot specific items will be stripped when the players enter this module. Server Requirements: Make sure the 'Only One Party' button in the server's advanced options is off.

Course of Anubis

Dodano: 4 kwietnia 2005 · Pobrań: 790 · Rozmiar: 123.33 KB

THE COURSE OF ANUBIS v1.0 by James Blackstone BSP200 – M1 MINI ADVENTURE SERIES ** REQUIRES: 4in1 Hak Pak from ** Adventure in a desert region beset by hoards of undead warriors, arising from the ancient past. Explore a lost tomb of a mighty pharaoh from the distant past and meet the mummified guardians which protect his crypt! ** An Adventure for 4-8 Characters of levels 5-9 ** 4 Quests, Henchmen + Inv. Mgt, Undead, Town Tilesets: Sandy Desert, Dry Land, Egyptian Crypt Copyright (C) 2002 Blackstone Publishing

Crystal Tower II - The Minotaur Maze

Dodano: 6 kwietnia 2005 · Pobrań: 838 · Rozmiar: 163.55 KB

Multiplayer: Levels 8-11 Singleplayer: Levels 10-13 After retrieving the Sacred Chalice from the depths of the Crystal Tower, it seems obvious that something more sinister is behind the recent activity in the region. All clues point towards the small city of Greydale to the East. On the road to Greydale lies a dangerous and mysterious maze, and the activity inside the maze has increased recently. Perhaps the maze holds more clues about what is going on and who is behind the recent theft of the magical Artifacts? Monsters, traps, and riddles await you in the Minotaur Maze as you race against others to be the first through the labyrinth to claim its prize!

Curse of the Azure Bonds

Dodano: 6 kwietnia 2005 · Pobrań: 806 · Rozmiar: 696.47 KB

Curse of the Azure Bonds v1.18 By Phillip Tinetti Based on the origional gold box game by SSI. This version of Curse is not based on the Pnp module by TSR although some elements of the game are similar. 3 henchmen to choose from with inventory management included. 3rd Edition dying rules included. Levels 6+ Players 1-4 Please remember to remove equipment from your henchman before he/she levels up. Credits. Lots of praise to Mike Arguello (aka Dracop), Chris Fowler, Kyle Chamberlin, Mr Koil and Scott "Hemboll" Fichter for their great help with play testing.

Dance Club

Dodano: 6 kwietnia 2005 · Pobrań: 771 · Rozmiar: 824.47 KB

Dance Club (requires the hakpak dance_club_wav.hak) An experiment by Jonathan Epp Sound sample provided by Dave Chan Also got a bit of help from Keith Warner and Alain Baxter IMPORTANT NOTE: If you want to see the flashing dance floor lights, make sure the "Number of Dynamic Lights" setting is above the minimum setting. This can be found in "Advanced Video Options".

Dewey's Decimal

Dodano: 6 kwietnia 2005 · Pobrań: 760 · Rozmiar: 165.17 KB

The Penultima University of Thaumatological Science (or PUTS) is one of the finest schools in the land, provided you define 'finest' with a very wide margin of error. But it has one notable feature... a magical library which only senior students and aides are allowed to plumb the depths of, as freshman are unlikely to return. Guess who gets to play fetch-a-book? This module is a classic errand-running adventure, loaded with conversation, combat, and neat locales. Side quests and secrets abound. Suitable for solo play or cooperative multiplayer. Module 2 of 5 in the Penultima Campaign.

Grail War The beginning

Dodano: 6 kwietnia 2005 · Pobrań: 795 · Rozmiar: 970.29 KB

Welcome to the Grail War series of modules. This is the first one, and will be massive when complete. Currently there are 16 quests to do, spanning over 42 area maps. This should work with individuals, or groups, though it is designed with a mind to a starting party. That way you grow as the campaign does. While I recomend a 1st level character, this module is harder than the official campaign, so you may wish to start with a higher level PC. If so I would suggest not starting at more than 5th level. If you choose to solo this module, TAKE a henchman. It is designed to work with you using one, and you will die quickly at low level if you don't take one. You start in the fishing town of NewPort, and will be greeted by Toman, who will give your your recall stone. As this is a roleplayer pay attention to conversations as they give you the gist of the plot, and the direction you should head with the main quest. There are side quests as well, but PAY ATTENTION if you want to not be running around wondering what to do next. Hope you enjoy it

Guild War

Dodano: 6 kwietnia 2005 · Pobrań: 832 · Rozmiar: 588.71 KB

Oto nowatorska przygoda dla początkujących łotrów. Dwie rywalizujące gildie łakną władzy nad miastem. Przyłącz się do Gildii Saskan, by okradać bogatych, pilnować interesów organizacji i być może rozwiązywać tajemnicze sprawy. Przejdź tę przygodę kilkukrotnie, aby odkryć wszystkie możliwości (nie wszystkie zadania dostępne są od razu). Moduł powstał w celu poznania szerokiej gamy możliwości łotrzyka.

Hazard Pay

Dodano: 6 kwietnia 2005 · Pobrań: 770 · Rozmiar: 187.82 KB

The forest to the west of PUTS is unlike any other -- for starters, it glows purple during the day and six legged werehamsters prowl its depths. Magical hazmat isn't a pretty thing -- and you're about to get a look firsthand. Module is a mixture of intense combat, weird puzzles and strange humor inside a surreal forest distorted by magical powers. And it's got elves and sexy gypsies, too. Module 3 of 5 in the Penultima Campaign.

Home Sweet Home

Dodano: 6 kwietnia 2005 · Pobrań: 784 · Rozmiar: 200.51 KB

The dramatic arc of Penultima's fate comes to a close in the ruins of a dark castle... Good luck. You'll need it. Module 5 of 5 in the Penultima Campaign.

Maugeter - The Keys To The City

Dodano: 6 kwietnia 2005 · Pobrań: 796 · Rozmiar: 852.36 KB

Maugeter – The Keys to the City DEMO TURN OFF ITEM LEVEL RESTRICTIONS BEFORE PLAYING (see readme file for instructions) Journey to the city of Maugeter for one of nine different lass-based reasons, exploring a highly-detailed city setting and five exciting quests from the forthcoming full version. Includes four unique, characterful henchmen. Single-player module. Play with a newly-created level 1 character of any classwho is not a Gnome or Half-Elf. Half-Orcs should put "Orc" in their subrace box. For more details, see the enclosed README file.

Naval Battle

Dodano: 6 kwietnia 2005 · Pobrań: 839 · Rozmiar: 110.48 KB

This module is the classic game of Battleship, NWN style. Take turns bombarding each other until you have destroyed all of your opponent's tokens...then do it again! Hours of fun for the whole family... The module is designed for 2 person ONLY. Set your server settings accordingly.
