


Ilość postów: 328

Klasa: Bard

Wiek: 36 lat

Data urodzenia: 12 września 1987

Skąd: z widokiem na tarczę zegara

Zainteresowania: Lubię:
-anime(Ergo Proxy, Death Note)
-komiksy(Batman,Gaiman, McKean and so on...)
-filmy(Burton, Gilliam, "Donnie Darko")
-gadać i robić durne rzeczy.

Na GameExe od: 14 maja 2008

Ostatnio online: 19 sierpnia 2010

GG: 3887710

Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?- Donnie Darko


[font="Arial Black"]"We have no great war or great deprsssion.

Our great war is a spiritual war. Our great depression

is out lives.

We've all been raised by television to believe

that one day we'll all be millionaires and movie stars

and rock gods- but WE WON'T.

And we're learning slowly that fact.

And we're very, very PISSED OFF."[/font]
- Fight Club


"[font="Courier New"]And who is this pure fool?

Lo,In the sagas of old time,

legend of scald, of bard, of druid...

Cometh he not in green like spring?

O thou water that art air, In whom all complex is resolved![/font]

[font="Comic Sans MS"]OH YES...filL tHe chuRchEs with Dirty thouGhts!

IntroDuce HOnesty to thE WhitE HousE!

WriTe leTTers in dEAd lanGuageS to peOpLe You've never Met!

PainT fIlthy WorDs on the ForeHeads of cHILdren!

Burn yOur creDiT cArds aNd wear HIgh hEEls!

Asylum dOOrs, stANd oPEn!


LEt there be ECSTACY, ECSTACY in the strEEtS!!

LAugh, aND the WorLd laUGhs wiTh You."[/font]
- Arkham Asylum
