[GIII] Patche do Gothica 3

Nie wiem czy słyszeliście o tym że jest nowy patch do Gothic 3. Jest to nieoficjalny patch zrobiony przez Fanów Gothic którzy sami poprawili błędy.
Prze ten patch mi liczby z nikają... Nigdzzie nie ma licz. W menu głównym, w ekwipunku. Nigdzie. Ale za to mi sie nie scina w ogóle. Bym dał screena, ale coś nie wchodzi.
Hmm no rzeczywiście liczby znikają chodz nie wiem czemu, jest jakas poprawka w wersji 1.31 ale to zdaje sie przeznaczone jest jedynie na razie do niemieckiej wersji [niemieccy fani ja zrobili]. Przepraszam jeżeli przysporzyłem komuś problemów.
niezły patch jest juz też do pl.
Ok mam rozwiązanie: zainstalujcie patch nie 1.30 tylko 1.31 do gothic 3 a następnie ściągnijcie plik "Strings.p00" z tego linka : http://rapidshare.com/files/40490974/Strings.p00 i zamieńcie ten stary w folderze gothic 3/data na ten przed chwilą ściągnięty. Jeżeli wszystko zrobiliście poprawnie to gwarantuje ze napisy tym razem będą.

[Dodano po chwili]

Podobno ten patch przede wszystkim usuwa bugi zadań i nawet wszystkich umiejętności będzie można używać, ale nie chce mi sie grać 5 raz w Gothic 3 żeby to sprawdzić . Jak ktoś ma tego 1.31 i jak zauważy grając że coś się zmieniło, to niech da cynk .


Zainstaluj se patch 1.12 a potem patcha 1.31 [w temacie "nowy patch do Gothic 3" napisałem jak tego 1.31 zainstalować


1.30 tylko 1.31 do gothic 3 a następnie ściągnijcie plik "Strings.p00" z tego linka : http://rapidshare.com/files/40490974/Strings.p00 i zamieńcie ten stary w folderze gothic 3/data na ten przed chwilą ściągnięty

1.12 -> 1.31 -> i podmianka pliku Strings.p00

Tak ma się najnowsza droga poprawy błędów?
No na to wygląda. Żeby zainstalować 1.31 wymagany jest wpierw 1.12, a ten 1.31 ma taki błąd że znikają napisy, lecz umieściłem "naprawiony plik" na rapidshare żeby napisy były [plik z rapida nie powinien zniknąć]. Pomyślałem żeby pomóc innym fanom Gothic 3 którzy też mają dosyć tych bugów i napisze o tym . Dobrze przynajmniej że niemieccy fani zrobili tą poprawkę, gdyż twórcy Gothic by się do tego pewnie nie zabrali, albo w dodatku wszystko poprawili żeby ludzie kupowali bo bez błędów będzie .
Ok. Zrobiłem tak jak napisałeś - i nie mam żadnych problemów z napisami.

Jedynym moim bólem jest to, że Gothic się przycina... a nie ma prawa. Zabraniam mu się przycinać,a on sobe mnie zlawa bezczelnie... ;/


PS. Ale Michał dzięki za instrukcje.
Tnie się Gothic 3 zapewne dalej, ale w tym samym stopniu czy trochę mniej ? Jak byś mógł to powiedz potem [skoro grasz w Gothic 3, ja mam na razie dosyć tej gry ] czy można się nauczyć takich umiejętności jak np : mag ognia, mistrz złodziejstwa albo tej umiejętności w kowalstwie z ulepszeniem pancerzami. Jestem ciekaw czy rzekomo poprawione umiejętności naprawdę są teraz do nauczenia.
Tnie sie tak samo jak przedtem. Sprzęt na pewno nie jest winny, więc liczyłem na patche.

Ok, zobaczymy co z tymi umiejętnościami, ale nie licz na to że szybko to zrobie bo gram (takie dłuższe posiadówki) najczęściej w weekendy i też nie zawsze.
A jaki masz sprzęt że to nie jego wina ? Do tej gry trzeba mieć dużo pamięci ram, najlepiej 2GB a minimum 1GB do w miarę normalnego grania [jak ja miałem 512 ram to gra miała u mnie 10FPS ].
Asus P5B CH8 965
Core 2 Duo E6320 1.86GHz
Ge Force 8800GTX
Kingston 1Gb x2 + 512Mb x2 533/667Mhz = 3Gb w dual channel ;p
Seagate 250Gb SATA 16Mb
No taaak a więc nie mam pytań masz wypasiony sprzęt [na takich bajerach można pograć w każdą grę na full ustawieniach. No cóż Gothic 3 ma błędy i przez to się zacina, może ten patch nie przyśpiesza gry no, ale przynajmniej podobno poprawia zadania a to już coś . Myślę że jak wyjdzie dodatek to poprawi on [chociaż wątpię ] płynność gry.

Też mi się podoba...

Choć ten Gothic mnie zawiódł...
Witam,otóż mam problem z tymi dwoma patchami 1.12 oraz 1.31,podczas gry zauważyłem,że nie ma wszystkich agresywnych dzików(wtedy kiedy zlecił taki gość z Reedock) oraz wyczyszczenie wschodniej części jaskini,ponieważ nie ma tam goblinów(tylko jaszczury) a jak nie miałem patchów to wszystko było ok, coś się stało??
Co do jaskini zadanie zaliczyłem, a co do dzików nie zauważyłem ich znikniecia, choć możliwe że tak jest. Zobaczę i napiszę.

[Dodano po chwili]

Wszystko jest w porządku. Z dzikami nie ma problemu, jaskinia działa tak jak należy.

[Dodano po chwili]

Gothic 3 Community Fix Version 1.4
Ma działać z polska wersją ale nie należy updateować stringtable.ini


Tego gościa trzeba obczaić. Instalował to ktoś?

Gothic 3 Community Patch v1.4

I. Community Patch v1.4

- One can learn "Make poison" bugfree.
+ One can learn "Master thief". (Soundless dialog)
- Artifacts of Adanos cannot be sold.
+ Milten gives the teleporterstone for the Monastery.
- Censoring of nude women removed.
- The game can also be ended when Zuben is already long dead.
- When Orknarok accompanies the hero, he will not be attacked by the Nomads and vice versa.
- Orknarok leaves the party, once the requirements therefore are met.
- One cannot get Shakyors Druidstone twice.
+ Mort leads one when needed for a second time to the Hammerclan, Fireclan or to the entrance of the mine.
- Hogar does not kill the hero for the quest "Duel with Hogar".
+ The quest "Delivery to Nordmar" unlocked. (Soundless dialog)
- One can speak with Dargoth about the "Fifth temple", once prerequired knowledge has been obtained.
- Lisk gives only final comments about the liberation of the mine when he has taken part in it.
- One can say to Xardas "I have the five artifacts of Adanos" only when one has them.
- Asaru is teacher for martial arts, when one assures him to help him.
+ Tyler says "Where to now? To Trelis, or what?", before one attacks Trelis together.
- Effects of "Black Rhobar" corrected.
+ Two comments from Dan and Goose unlocked.
- Information for the quest "Just a fallen..." noted in the questlog.
- Some inconsistencies in the dialogdata resolved.
- Sulfock gives experience "Kill the threatening Snapper in front of the Sulphurmine".
- For the quest "Sell the skin to Gnar for 500 gold pieces" one can give Wilson 500 gold.
- The spiked cutchel has a goldvalue of 150, instead of 4500 gold.
- One cannot interrupt Lee during his teleport by means of a dialog.
- Iljas Vaze, Shadowscepter and Chalice of the Watertraders are ordened properly in the inventory.
- For the quest "Covert operations" one needs the amulet of Ilja.
- One cannot drink empty bottles and viles.
- The Krush Irmak deals damage.
- Kamak and the Orcs with the excavation form one party.
+ Dialog of Xardas unlocked.
- Murak does not react like a slave after the liberation of Bakaresh.
+ Additional dialog options for Kan unlocked.
- One can follow certain dialogs still after the relevant NPCs are dead.
- The quest "Free Kliff from the Orcs on the farm" can always be ended.
- One cannot say to Kliff "You are free now", when he already knows it.
- Georg is promoted to Paladin when giving the blessed Fire Chalice.
- When one attacks Sugut or his camp with the Nomads, one will be treated as a normal assassin.

II. Community Patch v1.3

- One can only say to Pyran "Here are your potions", once one has enough mana potions.
- Josh says only "I heard, Trelis has been liberated from the Orcs", once it is. - Kalesch says "You won't steal my reputation" only once.
- Karrypto says "With sadness I have to state that..." on his own account.
- When one says to Merdarion "Merdarion, what are you doing here?", the dialog option "Do we know eachother?" will no longer appear.
- One cannot ask Mortis "Do you also fight in the arena?", when one has fought him. The same error is also resolved for Tukash and Vigo.
- The quest "Become champion of the arena of Faring" cannot be restarted after a successful ending of it.
- Jensgar now gives after the quest "Skins for Jensgar" every time the Composite Bow.
- Ugolf and Hector do not get all the ore c.q. gold of the hero.
- The quest "Hectors gold" will not be ended when one buys Masils ledger.
- Selling of Shadowbeast horns to Pedar has no negative consequences for the quest "Admittance of the Oremelters".
- The hero does not ask Lee "What was with that again?" after he asked the question "The story with the colony?".
- Pranck gets 20 instead of 19 potions with the quest "The Orc warrior Pranck wants twenty healing potions".
- One can tell Karrypto about Markus' Fire Chalice when one has all 12 of them.
- Lester can also be talked to in Al Shedim, when he is not digging.
- Rathgar does not speak about the Alis artifact when one has used it. If the quest had been started before, it is hereby stopped.
- All dialogs of the Talkmasters are available.
- One can trade with Ingvar, when he has not been asked before the liberation of the mine.
- Tippler does not take all Boozeberries and Healingplants. The quest is not ended when one sells him the ingredients.
- Trading with Vandorn does not have negative consequences for the quest "Bring Vandorn pickaxes".
- One cannot obtain Bogirs, Torns and Runaks Druidstones twice.
- One cannot obtain Miguels steelcrates twice.
- When one steals the destroyed Druidstone from Porgan, then this one will be returned before the fixed one is obtained.
- One cannot obtain Treslotts, Rakus', Miltens, Wenzels, Bengerds, Konrads and Markus' Fire Chalice twice.
- The quest from Treslotts does not end before his Fire Chalice is obtained. The numbers of his reward does not vary.
- Abe has the dialog option "Let's trade" only once.
+ It is possible to obtain a second Katana in the game.
- The quest "bring Lukjan profit for the skins" cannot be solved by trading.
- The quest "Follow Tufail" will not start when Masil is dead. A new dialog entry: "He is dead".
- Mezir does not ask "And, did you find him?" when he has not aided in the search.
- The dialog option "Where do I find Hanson?" is available with Grim only once he has told about Hanson.
- The quest "Kaffu wants his gold back" cannot be solved by trading.
- The dialog option "Where can I find Gotha?" with Hatlod does not show up forever.
- One can send Karlen to the desert any time, as soon as the two quests are solved.
- The dialogmenu does not stay up when Karlen walks around.
- The quest "Follow Merdarion" can be resolved any time.
- Xardas does not request to ask the Orc Shamans for artifacts when Grok is dead.
- The Quest "Lurkerhunt with Wilson" ends after all Lurkers are dead and Wilson has been reported about it.
- The quest "Wenzel cleans up" ends when Cape Dun has been liberated and Wenzel is reported about it.
- Grimboll only gets 5 Sulfur. The quest cannot be resolved by trading.
- When one kills Aldo on order of Sigmor, he will not convict the hero of murder.
- Avogadro cannot buy himself free, before the appropriate quest has been started.
- One does not say "Come with me" directly to Falk, without having this dialog option.
- One gets from 20 Ice Wolfskins from Hanson every time.
- Innostian does not take more than 50 manaplants.
- If one kills Kirk, the guards of the nearby city will not convict the hero of murder.
- When one steals the delivery of Tragak, it is impossible to bring it to Grompel.
- Changed the awarding of reputation points in certain cities and fractions.
- Wooden shields have the correct inventory image.

III. Community Patch v1.2

- Finley attacks Trelis together even when Vak is dead.
- The quest "Finley attacks Trelis" is not interrupted when one reports him of the victory prematurely.
- Tyler lets himself be taken to Trelis safely.
+ One can learn "Make explosive arrows".
- Mannig does not get 500 gold when one delivers Randall to him.
- Leif will be unlocked as teacher after the quest "Ten Sabreteeth for Leif".
- Ketil gives 3 ore instead of 3 gold as a reward for the quest "ketil needs 12 Bison skins"
- For the quest "Okara needs more men" the dialog option "Out there is no one anymore" does not disappear anymore.
- Erroneous dialogoptions to learn "Paladin" from Rhobar are removed. The skill can still be learned from him.
- The dialog option "I need booze" with Tippler is available, when one knows that one has to be deliver the booze.
- One gets reputation points from Marik when one brings him the gold list from Ashton.
- One has to kill all Sandcrawler to end the quest from Vasco.
- The quest "Liberate Ishtar" can be started error free.
- The quest "Approval of the assassins" will resolve.
- Summoned creatures will die, when one leaves them behind.
- Erroneous dialogs from Quadir, Nafalem, Benito, Sigmor, Delazar and Kafa resolved.
- The console will not display disturbed and white flashing is reduced.
- The noise of the Flame Sword is reduced in strength.
- Crackling noise of fires has been turned off due to incorrect timing.
- Masil does not give the raw ore twice.
- One can end the quest "Messages from the South" also when Benito has been provoked before.
- Nefarius, Silvio, Aila, Yasmin and the Emaciated Slave leave the group once the requirements therefore are met.
- Sivert says "Good fight. I am Sivert" on his own accord.
- One cannot obtain Ejnars Ancestor stone twice.
- The quest to destroy the rebel hideout of Reddock will be interrupted by Javier after the liberation of Cape Dun.
- The quest "Liberate Cape Dun" will be interrupted by Uruk after destroying Reddock and killing the rebel leader.
- The quest "Destroy the rebelcamp Nemora" will be interrupted after one has liberated Trelis with Tyler.
- The quest to liberate Trelis will be broken off by Vak after destroying Nemora.
- The quest "Tare Okara apart" will be broken off by Sanford after liberating Montera.
- The quest "Liberate Montera from the Orcs" will be broken off by Varek after destroying Okara.
- The quest "Bring Nemrok the artifact out of the ruins from the North" will be ended by Marius after Geldern has been liberated.
- The quest for the secret of Mazin can also be resolved when he is killed, after he has given all information.
- The quests at Domeniks Pastures will also start, when one speaks with Marik.
- Masil answers on the question from where he has the raw ore, when the quest "Guilt and Pretence" has been resolved successfully.
- One can provoke Topork, when one denies him his provocation for the quest "Reddock needs a smith"

When one selects the option "Improved ge3.ini" during installation:

- Developer errors removed, maximum camera zoom-out increased, use of memory improved and vegetation view distance doubled.

IV. Community Patch v1.1

- One has to give Vandorn only the requested 5 saws.
- One does not receive double the amount of gold from one of the slaves with Freman.
- An error in Musan's dialog is removed.

V. Community Patch v1.0

- One can give Frithjof his Fire Chalice back.
+ One can learn "Fire Mage" and "Improve armor".
sorry za głupie pytanie ale skąd mam wziąć te patche.....??

[Dodano po chwili]

Użytkownik Taramelion dnia nie, 22 lip 2007 - 10:44 napisał

1.12 -> 1.31 -> i podmianka pliku Strings.p00

Tak ma się najnowsza droga poprawy błędów?


czy ta forma instalowania patchów nadal obowiazuje czy moze jest cos jeszcze bo troche sie z tym pogubiłem....
Zrób według tego co przeczytałeś wyżej. W którymś z powyższych moich postów (tym dłuuuuugim) jest change log a nad nim link do patch 1.4.
← Gothic

Patche do Gothica 3 - Odpowiedź

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