Wywiad z postacią

Witam państwa, którzy gracie w rozmaite RPG i posiadacie postać, do której jesteście wyjątkowo przywiązani, przez co dobrze ją znacie. Oto zestaw pytań w swoistym wywiadzie, który możecie przeprowadzić z Waszą postacią prezentując ją innym. Możecie uzupełniać tę listę o własne pytania. Pozostawiam ją w wersji takiej, w jakiej ją znalazłem, czyli po angielsku. Po pierwsze dlatego, że tak mi się bardziej podoba, po drugie dlatego, że nie chce mi się tłumaczyć Możecie od razu opisać swoją postać ze szczegółami dotyczącymi zawodu, rasy itp., możecie też jak ja opisać ją poprzez odpowiedzi na pytania. Wypełnienie całego wywiadu zajmuje chwilę czasu, ale to dobra zabawa, pozwalająca trochę lepiej wczuć się w Waszą postać.

Jako przykład zaprezentuję oczywiście własny wywiad.

1. Choose a character you created for your own (there can be more than one ).
2. Have them answer these questions.
3. Tag three people (if you want to).
4. Go ahead and add some questions, as well.

Featuring: Marius Korothir

1. What gender are you?
M.K. Well, I think that question is irrelevant but... Still male, I hope...

2. What is your age?
M.K. It depends. 34, 54 or 88, I'm not sure what's your point.

3. Do you want a hug?
M.K You don't want a hug.

4. Do you have any bad habits?
M.K. Hey, I'm the priest here.

5. What is your favorite food?
M.K. To be honest? I don't remember.

6. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
M.K. By the Lord... I can't recall, it was in... 1949 I guess... Chocolate and mint?

7. Are you a virgin?
M.K. ... That is not of your concern, son.

8. Have you killed anyone?
M.K. Speaking of human beings? Maybe once or twice, if there was no other option. God knows my sins.

9. Do you hate anyone?
M.K. Except myself?

10. Do you have any secrets?
M.K. Hm... Let me think - coffins, blood, monsters... No, I don't think so.

11. What is your favorite season?
M.K. Winter is the only one I know.

12. Who is your best friend(s)?
M.K. Jesus, obviously.

13. What are your hobbies?
M.K. Books, classical music, martial arts. Oh, and moth hunting. Don't ask.

14. What is your favorite drink?
M.K. Holy water. Ok, beer, what else could it be?

15. When is your birthday?
M.K. Was that supposed to be a joke?

16. What age did you die?
M.K. As I said before - 34.

17. Are you nice or mean?
M.K. I'm undead.

18. Are you social or shy?
M.K. You're not listening.

19. What do you think of your parents?
M.K. Father had a great moustache with big smile beneath them. He dided in Uprising. Mother was a beautifull women, with long dark hair and clean, astonishing voice... What's your next question?

20. What's your weakness?
M.K. I'm weak, sinfull man, as well as anyone.

21. How long can you stay under water?
M.K. How long can you count?

22. What do you do on a regular day basis?
M.K. Sleeping till dusk and then serving our Lord. No matter the cost.

23. Do you love someone?
M.K. If I'll say that I love all the God's children, I guess you won't be pleased.

24. When was the last time you wet yourself?
M.K. Before your father did, probably.

25. What's your favorite band?
M.K. Noe's Ark. Ok, ok, just kidding... AC/DC - that was something. Good Lord, please, forgive me...

26. Ever worn a dress?
M.K. It is called "soutane".

27. How about eye-liner?
M.K. Ask the buddhists.

28. What do you consider fun in the daytime?
M.K. For me words "fun" and "daytime" have nothing in common.

29. At night?
M.K. Many things you can't imagine. But none of them is to be described as "fun".

30. Ever kissed anyone?
M.K. Haha, of course I did. I wasn't born a priest.

31. ...Of the same gender?
M.K. Have you ever met your father?

32. It's clear you're gay.
M.K. Of course I am. All priests are - don't you know? I love "confession game".

33. Whats you're favorite thing to touch?
M.K. Rosary. 15th century. Or so the Archbishop said.

34. Anyone loves you?
M.K. Jesus, I hope. But I'm not sure about that.

35. Whats your favorite color?
M.K. Black. I know, that is not what you expexted.

36. When was the last time you cried?
M.K. Technically or emotionally?

37. Do you have a pet?
M.K. Unfortunately, I don't have place to keep it. Sometimes stray cats comes for something to eat, but that's all. Spiders in the cellar - doesn't count.

38. What would you name your pet?
M.K. Hah, that's a question. I think "Draakul" would be proper.

39. Are you crazy?
M.K. You really want to know?

40. What are you?
M.K. Ash nad dust, as well as you, son. Ash and dust...

41. What's the end of your own story?
M.K. Whatever God decides.

42. What's your nickname?
M.K. Hahaha! "The Bishop". Ok, joking again.

43. Do you consider yourself a happy or a down person?
M.K. Happy and down. Sometimes "person" too.

44. If you were a superhero, you'd be...?
M.K. Count Dracula. No, wait, he was not a hero. Em... No idea.

45. Favorite movie?
M.K. "Blade". No, I'm serious. It's so beautifull.

46. What was your saddest moment?
M.K. When I died. You're not very smart, are you?

47. What is your strongest point?
M.K. I can move mountains. I know, that's really crazy.

48. You had to face your biggest fear?
M.K. Have you wondered why I don't have a mirror?

49. You had to kill the person most precious to you?
M.K. Well... If we assume, that each single sin kills Jesus...

50. Found out everything you knew was a lie?
M.K. I believed in life after life. And here it is. But it's not what I expected. I believed in judgement, damnation and salvation. Now I'm certain, that the first one exist. I believed that monsters die of sun, garlic, cross and holy water. Well... I found the sun sadly true. Sometimes I wish I couldn't believe less.
Fajny wywiad. Ja nie wiem, czy mógłbym znaleźć postać "ulubioną". Nie przywiązuję się do nich aż tak bardzo...

English, (...), do you speak it?
Młodość i niedojrzałość mijają z czasem, ignorancję pokonać można nauką, a pijaństwo trzeźwością, za to głupota jest wieczna. - Arystofanes
Pytasz mnie, czy księdza?
Nawiązuję do filmu, który znamy i kochamy. Masz jeszcze jakieś?
Młodość i niedojrzałość mijają z czasem, ignorancję pokonać można nauką, a pijaństwo trzeźwością, za to głupota jest wieczna. - Arystofanes
Pytasz o takie wywiady? Nie, tylko ten jeden. Czekam, aż ktoś pójdzie w me ślady. Mógłbyś być pierwszy
Tylko kogo ja bym przewywiadował? Naprawdę nie mam pomysłu.
Młodość i niedojrzałość mijają z czasem, ignorancję pokonać można nauką, a pijaństwo trzeźwością, za to głupota jest wieczna. - Arystofanes
Ja się wpiszę Tylko postać wybiorę jakąś

[Dodano po 20 godzinach]

Jednak Pani Bullock. A kiedyś może pomyślę o Mary xD


Presenting: Nathalie Bullock

1. What gender are you?
Nathalie: Dear Lord, I hope nothing changed since the last time I checked, girl. *laughs*

2. What is your age?
Nathalie: You should know it best.

3. Do you want a hug?
Nathalie: Do I look like it?

4. Do you have any bad habits?
Nathalie: I used to be prone to getting my daughter out of Hell, but now it’s finished, therefore no, I don’t.

5. What is your favorite food?
Nathalie: Never paid attention to favorite. I liked eating in general.

6. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Nathalie: Oh yes! We had it once in Philadelphia, with my parents. I think it was... raspberry flavor. And in Doomtown we had some nut flavor at Mr. Drake’s. It had bits of nuts inside. It was nice…

7. Are you a virgin?
Nathalie: I’ll tell you this: I have a daughter, figure out the rest.

8. Have you killed anyone?
Nathalie: Oh a couple of times, mostly myself though. Does it count?

9. Do you hate anyone?
Nathalie: Hum... Sometimes I do really dislike a certain gentleman called Samael Westriver.

10. Do you have any secrets?
Nathalie: You don’t have secrets in Hell, that is technically impossible.

11. What is your favorite season?
Nathalie: Spring.

12. Who is your best friend(s)?
Nathalie: I don’t recall having any.

13. What are your hobbies?
Nathalie: Reading, dancing, and sleeping. *sighs* Well, c’est la vie.

14. What is your favorite drink?
Nathalie: Why do you ask?

15. When is your birthday?
Nathalie: Oh, just forget it, nobody’s going to celebrate it here.

16. What age did you die?
Nathalie: I think I didn’t.

17. Are you nice or mean?
Nathalie: What difference does it make here? I’m in Hell, girl.

18. Are you social or shy?
Nathalie: I’m sorry, but are you deaf or dumb?

19. What do you think of your parents?
Nathalie: The were wonderful working people. They struggled a bit, without the slaves, you know, but they worked hard and we even had time and money for holidays.

20. What's your weakness?
Nathalie: Mary. Mary Bullock.

21. How long can you stay under water?
Nathalie: Do you consider yourself patient?

22. What do you do on a regular day basis?
Nathalie: I hope my daughter doesn’t get down here to get me out.

23. Do you love someone?
Nathalie: Oh yes, wholeheartedly.

24. When was the last time you wet yourself?
Nathalie: I’ve no intention to answer this sort of questions.

25. What's your favorite band?
Nathalie: My favorite what?

26. Ever worn a dress?
Nathalie: Nearly all my life, except for the times when I wore trousers. *laughs*

27. How about eye-liner?
Nathalie: Eye what?

28. What do you consider fun in the daytime?
Nathalie: What do you mean?... Life!

29. At night?
Nathalie: You don’t want to know. And do yourself a favour and refrain from looking for me after sundown.

30. Ever kissed anyone?
Nathalie: It’s like the virgin question. I loved my husband very much.

31. ...Of the same gender?
Nathalie: Have you lost your mind!?

32. It's clear you're gay.
Nathalie: It’s actually starting to fade, due to the stupidity of your questions.

33. What’s your favorite thing to touch?
Nathalie: Fire, recently.

34. Anyone loves you?
Nathalie: I still hope my daughter does.

35. What’s your favorite color?
Nathalie: Blue. But obviously it doesn’t look blue here.

36. When was the last time you cried?
Nathalie: A few moments before I shot myself for the last time.

37. Do you have a pet?
Nathalie: Have a look around and have a guess. I’ll help: does this place look like a good place to keep pets?

38. What would you name your pet?
Nathalie: What’s the short of your name?

39. Are you crazy?
Nathalie: No, but I think you are. Otherwise this interview couldn’t take place.

40. What are you?
Nathalie: I’m your worst puzzle.

41. What's the end of your own story?
Nathalie: That is my biggest puzzle.

42. What's your nickname?
Nathalie: My what?

43. Do you consider yourself a happy or a down person?
Nathalie: It depends on the point of reference.

44. If you were a superhero, you'd be...?
Nathalie: Me.

45. Favorite movie?
Nathalie: Casablanca. We watched it thanks to Mr. Drake. I just couldn't grasp how did we manage to watch a movie shot in the future...

46. What was your saddest moment?
Nathalie: Oh, when my parents died and when my husband was laid to rest in Doomtown cementary.

47. What is your strongest point?
Nathalie: I think it’s faith in my daughter’s inteligence.

48. You had to face your biggest fear?
Nathalie: I’m sitting in it for a couple of decades now. Hell dear, it’s Hell.

49. You had to kill the person most precious to you?
Nathalie: No, thank God I didn’t.

50. Found out everything you knew was a lie?
Nathalie: The funniest part is, that it all occurred to be true. I keep wondering when did the downfall begin. And then I ask myself if I would do the same, even f I knew which step should I change... It all comes back to this, always.
Oryginalnie Deadlands... cholera, za mało przesłanek @ świat Może z Mary pójdzie lepiej...

[Dodano po 7 minutach]

Chociaż właściwie to się nie da tego poprawić. Bo Nathalie jest w Piekle. A piekło to piekło. xD
Ludzie, nie mówcie, że na całym forum tylko dwie osoby grają w erpegi, bo mi perce sęknie i trupnę padem Ferunowcy - pokażcie no swoje elfie księżniczki, którymi spędzacie życie na rozmowach w karczmie.
kami, a ja poznałem że deadlands:P Wiktul niech ci nic nie sęka:P
Podziel się Amral własną postacią, a nie tu robisz za głos z tylnych rzędów
U, aleś pojechał
Niech będze trzeci wywiad.

Na ruszt - druga z postaci jaką grałem dłużej w Wolsunga. Realia steampulp fantasy (połączenie steampunka, konwencji pulp i fantasy), "Koriola" to odpowiednik Hiszpani, i tak dalej...

Featuring: Miguel Guillermo Bolivar de Melilla

1. What gender are you?
M.G.B.d.M. - Male. As you see.

2. What is your age?
M.G.B.d.M. - 23.

3. Do you want a hug?
M.G.B.d.M. - If you're a pretty woman, yes.

4. Do you have any bad habits?
M.G.B.d.M. - Photojournalism is enough?

5. What is your favorite food?
M.G.B.d.M. - Cream on young lady's body?

6. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
M.G.B.d.M. It was 1900... Chocolate and vanilia.

7. Are you a virgin?
M.G.B.d.M. - Ask your nice secretary, right?

8. Have you killed anyone?
M.G.B.d.M. - Modern knight from Coriola never kills. Always wins!

9. Do you hate anyone?
M.G.B.d.M. - My broken cameras and bodyguard?

10. Do you have any secrets?
M.G.B.d.M. - Ask me in private...

11. What is your favorite season?
M.G.B.d.M. - Spring. Season of new life, new chances, new challenges.

12. Who is your best friend(s)?
M.G.B.d.M. - My assistant, halfling journalist Alex Lid, orc guide Christopher Cantor and young philosopher Stephen Tailor. This is my count.

13. What are your hobbies?
M.G.B.d.M. - Fencing with bad guys and strangers, having fun with pretty young ladies, photographing new places and foreign people, travelling, be a courage man in a right places.

14. What is your favorite drink?
M.G.B.d.M. - Wine and tequilla.

15. When is your birthday?
M.G.B.d.M. - I forgot five years and fifty six days ago.

16. What age did you die?
M.G.B.d.M. - I will live as long, as I would be young.

17. Are you nice or mean?
M.G.B.d.M. - Nice to people, mean to opponents

18. Are you social or shy?
M.G.B.d.M. - Check yourself.

19. What do you think of your parents?
M.G.B.d.M. - My dad was a great soldier, officer in Royal Coriola Army. My mum has a great imaginary mind and teach me a lot of legends and stories about courage knights.

20. What's your weakness?
M.G.B.d.M. - Sometimes, advantages comes to hindrances...

21. How long can you stay under water?
M.G.B.d.M. - As pretty maid in shared bath needs.

22. What do you do on a regular day basis?
M.G.B.d.M. - Take photos, write a articles, spend second half a day with friends and new, unknown ladies to known.

23. Do you love someone?
M.G.B.d.M. - Let's talk about next question.

24. When was the last time you wet yourself?
M.G.B.d.M. - I dont' remember. It was it ever?

25. What's your favorite band?
M.G.B.d.M. - Music is most important, not bands.

26. Ever worn a dress?
M.G.B.d.M. - No, except cover the maid's dress in bedroom.

27. How about eye-liner?
M.G.B.d.M. - Ask some ladies.

28. What do you consider fun in the daytime?
M.G.B.d.M. - Take a challenge and date with charming ladies.

29. At night?
M.G.B.d.M. - It would be more pleasant, if you ask me in private.

30. Ever kissed anyone?
M.G.B.d.M. - Many times...

31. ...Of the same gender?
M.G.B.d.M. - No, it's disgusting.

32. It's clear you're gay.
M.G.B.d.M. [imitate a deaf]

33. Whats you're favorite thing to touch?
M.G.B.d.M. - Officially, the surface of camera after excellent shot. Informally, young pale skin of maid, on the dawn.

34. Anyone loves you?
M.G.B.d.M. - Loves very much or loves "in sure time"?

35. Whats your favorite color?
M.G.B.d.M. - Crimson.

36. When was the last time you cried?
M.G.B.d.M. - When I left Coriola first time, six years ago.

37. Do you have a pet?
M.G.B.d.M. - I don't have a pet. Pretty women are enough.

38. What would you name your pet?
M.G.B.d.M. - I don't have any idea.

39. Are you crazy?
M.G.B.d.M. - If courage, take challenges and be a journalist is a madness - yes...

40. What are you?
M.G.B.d.M. - The rightest knight in this right place, my comrade...

41. What's the end of your own story?
M.G.B.d.M. - End of the greates challenges.

42. What's your nickname?
M.G.B.d.M. - My long name and fame are sufficient.

43. Do you consider yourself a happy or a down person?
M.G.B.d.M. - First option.

44. If you were a superhero, you'd be...?
M.G.B.d.M. - Why can't I be a superhero? You're asking a famous man.

45. Favorite movie?
M.G.B.d.M. - When I go to the cinema, I looks to my admirer.

46. What was your saddest moment?
M.G.B.d.M. - When I realized, that I don't match to new, industrial world.

47. What is your strongest point?
M.G.B.d.M. - Difficult question. Wait, I must count all.

48. You had to face your biggest fear?
M.G.B.d.M. - And it is?

49. You had to kill the person most precious to you?
M.G.B.d.M. - I recall, I never kills. I always win.

50. Found out everything you knew was a lie?
M.G.B.d.M. - It's no difference. It won't change my life.
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