Pora na moją koejną postać, tym razem z Pathfinderowej kampanii, Skull and Shackles
Bran, Dwarf, Ranger lvl 10
AC: 21| 6 [Breastplate] + 3 dex + 1 ring of protection, + 1 [Amulet of Natural Armor]
Init: +3, Alignment: neutral
HP: 80 (90 z Plague Rat Belt)
Speed: 6m,
Str 12| +1
Dex 16| +3
Con 16| +3 [18| +4* Plague Rat Belt]
Int 10| +0 [12| +1* Opaska Intelektu]
Wis 16| +3
Cha 10| +0
Fort: 13 | 7 + 4[con] +2*
Refl: 12 | 7 + 3[dex] +2*
Will: 8 | 3 + 3[wis] +2*
*płaszcz ochronny +2
Basse Attack Bonus: 10/5
CMB: 11 | 10 bab + 1 str
CMD: 26 | 10 bab + 1 [str] + 3 [dex] + 1 [size] + 1 [ring of protection] + 10
Weapon: Crossbow +1
Attack: 15/10* [damage 1k8 + 1 +1k6 fire ]
*10 bab + 1 magic improvement + 3 dex + 1 focus
PBS: 16/11 [ damage 1k8 + 2 +1k6 fire ]
Rapid shoot: 13/13/8 [ damage 1k8 + 1 +1k6 fire ]
RS + PBS : 14/14/9 [ damage 1k8 + 2 +1k6 fire ]
Deadly Aim: 12/7 [ damage 1k8 + 7 +1k6 fire ]
DA + PBS: 13/8 [ damage 1k8 + 8 +1k6 fire ]
DA + RS: 10/10/5 [ damage 1k8 + 7 +1k6 fire ]
DA + RS + PBS: 11/11/6 [ damage 1k8 + 8 +1k6 fire ]
Acrobatics: +13| 3 [dex] + 10*[ranks] *opaska intelektu
Climb: + 9| 1 [str] + 5 [ranks] + 3 [class skill]
Handle Animal +13| 0 [cha] + 10 [ranks] + 3 [class skill] v
Heal: +8| 3 [wis] + 2 [ranks] + 3 [class skill]
Knowledge: Dungeonering: +5| 1*[int] +1 [ranks] + 3 [class skill]
Knowledge: Geography +5| 1*[int] +1 [ranks] + 3 [class skill]
Knowledge: Nature +12| 1*[int] +8 [ranks] + 3 [class skill] vvv
Perception: +17| 3 [wis] +10 [ranks] + 3 [class skill] + 1 trait bonus [Besmara's Blessing] v
Profession siege enginner +5| 3 [wis] +2 [ranks]
Profession cook +8| 3 [wis] +5 [ranks]
Profession sailor +9| 3 [wis] +5 [ranks] + 1 trait bonus [Besmara's Blessing]
stealth: +11| 3 [dex] +5 [ranks] + 3 [class skill]
survival: +16| 3 [wis] +10 [ranks] + 3 [class skill] v
swim +9| 1 [str] + 5 [Ranks] + 3 [class skill] v
1. Precise Shot (Combat)
2. Point-Blank Shot (Combat)
3. Boon Companion
4. Weapon Focus (crossbow)
5. Rapid Reload (Combat) – combat style
6. Rapid Shot (Combat)
7. Deadly Aim (Combat) – combat style
8. Crossbow Mastery (Combat) combat style
Class Features:
1. Favored Enemy [Dragon, Monstrous Humanoid, humanoid(giants)]
2. Track
3. Wild Empathy
4. Combat Style Feat: Crossbow [Rapid Reload, Deadly Aim, Crossbow Mastery]
5. Endurance
6. Favored Terrain [Jungle, Water]
7. Hunter's Bond [bond to Ranger's companions]
8. Woodland Stride
9. Swift Tracker
10. Evasion
Jungle Guide
Besmara's Blessing
Ruthless (Dwarf)
Dwarf Racial Traits
3x 1 lvl| 2x Gravity Bow, 1x Ironbeard
2x 2 lvl| 1x Hunter's eye, 1x Protective Spirit
1x 3 lvl| 1x Instant Enemy
Ekwipunek: 2 x mikstura leczenia średnich ran, 2 x lekkich, Antytoksyna sztuk 1, ring of protection +1, Amulet of Natural Armor + 1, Opaska intelektu + 2 (10 rang akrobatyka), Kusza gniewu Branda +1 fire

, Plague Rat Belt, Buccaneer's Breastplate
Zwierzęcy kompan:
Argo, race: dimorphodon
Speed: 3 (fly 9);
Init + 5, Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +5
AC: 24 (7 nat. armor + 5 dex +1 dodge, +1 Ring of Protection)
HP: 61
Str 17
Dex 21
Con 12
Int 2
Wis 13
Cha 12
Fort: 7 (baz 6 + 1 con), Refl: 11 (baz 6 + 5 dex), Will: 4 (baz 3 + 1 wis)
Attack: 11/6 (bab 6/1 + 5 dex) | 1d6 + 3 Bite—injury; save Fort DC 15; frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1d2 Str; cure 1 save.
CMB 9 [bab 6 + 3 str]
CMD 23 [10 + 6 bab + 3 str + 3 dex + 1 ring of protection]
Perception: 5 [2 ranks + 3 trained + 1 Wis]
Fly: 12 [4 ranks + 3 trained + 5 dex]
Survival: 5 [1 ranks + 3 trained + 1 wis]
Stealth: 10 [2 ranks + 3 trained + 5 dex]
Armor Proficiency, Light
Flyby Attack
Weapon Finesse
Low light
Ring of Protection +1
Attack (dwie rang - może atakować i nienaturalnych przeciwników)
W trakcie szkolenia:
Guard (DC 20) The animal stays in place and prevents others from approaching.7
Argo ma z rasy premię +1 do nat. pancerza