Jak informuje Blizzard Entertainment na swojej stronie internetowej, wczoraj gra Diablo II obchodziła 5 lecie swojej premiery. Z tej okazji ukazał się krótki, ale jak patetyczny tekst opisujący to wydarzenie:
"Through the tortured body of a possessed hero, Diablo, Lord of Terror, made his way east from Tristram across the vast deserts surrounding the ancient city of Lut Gholein and ultimately into the bowels of his domain in Hell, where his horrific army was amassing. It was five years ago today that he reunited with his brothers, Mephisto and Baal, in a nefarious new plot to enslave the world of mortals. Despite the awe-inspiring power of the Prime Evils, it seems the sheer will of humanity had been underestimated. For across the world, legions of Necromancers, Amazons, Paladins, Sorceresses, and Barbarians rose to the challenge and again confronted the forces of evil head-on. Blizzard, and indeed the whole of mankind, thank you for your five years of dedication to this noblest of causes."
Ach, jakże ten czas szybko mija...