Dzięki za szybka odpowiedź.
A jak jest z tatuażami? pamiętam, że ta "moja" technika polegała na jak najszybszym zdobyciu kasy na tatuaże z bonusami do CON (+1 i +2) i zakładaniu tych tatuaży tuż przed wbijaniem kolejnego levelu - wtedy dostawałem bonus za CON z tatuaży również tan "awansowy". Po zdjęciu tatuaży (po awansie) chwilowe HP za zwiększoną CON z tatuaży znikały, ale te uzyskane w trakcie awansu CHYBA zostawały? Tak mi się jakoś zdawało, to było daaawno... A tak wygląda fragment wspomnianego poradnika, który... mówi coś innego?
Constitution Note:
Constitution is handled differently in Torment, than in previous AD&D
CRPG's. It's retroactive. That is, if you increase your Constitution, you
will gain all the Bonus HP's as if you had had that Constitution from the
start of the game. (This is both good and bad, we'll get to the bad in a
moment) This means that you won't be punished by avoiding Constitution in
the beginning of the game. When you get it later, you'll get all those
HP's that you missed. This is especially sweet when you get an Item that
increases your Constitution, as you'll see instantly your new HP's.
So what's the bad side? If you lose constitution, you lose all the bonus
HP's that came with the high constitution. Therefore you can't just give a
CON+2 tattoo to someone, level them up for the bonus HP's, then give the
tattoo to someone else. As soon as the item is gone, so are the HP's.
BTW, ciekawe, czy wersja "enhanced' coś zmieniła w mechanice gry?
A jak jest z tatuażami? pamiętam, że ta "moja" technika polegała na jak najszybszym zdobyciu kasy na tatuaże z bonusami do CON (+1 i +2) i zakładaniu tych tatuaży tuż przed wbijaniem kolejnego levelu - wtedy dostawałem bonus za CON z tatuaży również tan "awansowy". Po zdjęciu tatuaży (po awansie) chwilowe HP za zwiększoną CON z tatuaży znikały, ale te uzyskane w trakcie awansu CHYBA zostawały? Tak mi się jakoś zdawało, to było daaawno... A tak wygląda fragment wspomnianego poradnika, który... mówi coś innego?
Constitution Note:
Constitution is handled differently in Torment, than in previous AD&D
CRPG's. It's retroactive. That is, if you increase your Constitution, you
will gain all the Bonus HP's as if you had had that Constitution from the
start of the game. (This is both good and bad, we'll get to the bad in a
moment) This means that you won't be punished by avoiding Constitution in
the beginning of the game. When you get it later, you'll get all those
HP's that you missed. This is especially sweet when you get an Item that
increases your Constitution, as you'll see instantly your new HP's.
So what's the bad side? If you lose constitution, you lose all the bonus
HP's that came with the high constitution. Therefore you can't just give a
CON+2 tattoo to someone, level them up for the bonus HP's, then give the
tattoo to someone else. As soon as the item is gone, so are the HP's.
BTW, ciekawe, czy wersja "enhanced' coś zmieniła w mechanice gry?